Welcome to a New Year for Altrusa Intl of Temple!
I'm so excited and pumped for this year and it's starting off with a BANG!  The President's Retreat was awesome. Twenty Altrusans came together for an informative, two way communication about everything Altrusa ~ the Budget, the re-creation of the Service Committee, the Calendar, Projects, Club 21, and Membership.  For those that couldn't make it to the Retreat, the power point presentation and the proposed Budget are on Club Runner for your review.  And we already have two, possibly three, new members to initiate at our June Business meeting.  Please try and make the meetings as we've had one during Spring Break where we didn't have a quorum so we couldn't vote on anything.  I know it's summer but we have some important business to take care of including projects that are coming up real soon that needs our membership approval.